Droesch Et Al vs Wells Fargo Bank, N.A

On September 28th, 2020, GessnerLaw, PLLC, Christina Humphrey Law, P.C., and Quintilone & Associates filed a nationwide Class and Collective Action Complaint on behalf of Denise Droesch, Shakara Thompson, and all current and former Telephone Bankers who are or have been employed by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., from 2017 to present.

The Verified Amended Complaint alleges that Wells Fargo Bank by requiring and/or permitting telephone-based hourly employees across the nation had their pre- and/or post-shift work rounded away from their pay and were not paid for some of all of their work activities prior to the beginning of their shifts or after the end of their shifts.

Ms. Droesch and Ms. Thompson, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated seek to recover unpaid wages and other damages as allowed by the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FSLA”), California Labor Code, and the North Carolina Wage and Hour Act (“NCWHA”).

On May 6, 2021, USDC Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley granted Plaintiffs’ Motion for Conditional Certification and has allowed court-authorized notice to be sent to potential class members.

If you have any questions about this case, please contact GessnerLaw, PLLC.

Case Pleadings

Click Here to Read the Complaint.

Click Here to Read the Consent to Join.

Click Here to Read the Notice of Lawsuit.

Click Here to Read the Order Granting Motion for Conditional Certification.