Campbell vs. Frank Institute, Lab Management Group & Harrison Frank M.D.

On October 19th, 2021, GessnerLaw, PLLC, filed a Class and Collective Action Complaint on behalf of Morgan Campbell, and all others similarly situated, against collective defendants Frank Institute for Health and Wellness, PLLC, Lab Management Group, LLC, Any Lab Test Now of Wilmington, and Harrison Gabriel Frank, M.D., for violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the North Carolina Wage and Hour Act and for breach of oral or implied contract.

Plaintiff alleges on behalf of herself, individually, and all other similarly situated current and former non-exempt hourly employees of the Defendants are entitled to unpaid wages including overtime premiums for all hours worked exceeding forty (40) in a workweek, overtime bonus premiums and statutory penalties, including liquidated damages.

Also the defendants violated the North Carolina Wage and Hour Act by failing to pay all wages earned as promised, including vacation time, and that Plaintiffs are entitled to all unpaid wages, plus interest, liquidated damages, costs and fees and
penalties as allowed for Defendants’ violations of the NCWHA.

Plaintiff further complains, individually, that Defendants breached an oral or implied contract by failing to pay all sums promised and that Plaintiff is entitled to damages, costs and fees.

If you have any questions about this case, please contact GessnerLaw, PLLC.

Case Pleadings

Click Here to Read the Full Complaint.