Demastes Et Al vs. Midwest Diversified Management Corp

Midwest Diversified Properties LogoOn February 8th, 2019, GessnerLaw, PLLC, filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of Melissa Demastes and all current and former employees of Midwest Diversified Management Corporation as a non-exempt hourly employee who worked more than 40 hours in one or more weeks and/or received a non-discretionary bonus of any kind, and worked 40 hours in one or more weeks during the period of February 8th, 2016, through the filing of the Complaint in this action.

The Class Action Complaint alleges Midwest Diversified Management Corp, dba Waterford Square Apartments, LLC, Piper Glen Apartments Associates, LLC, and Carmel Maintenance, LCC violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and the North Carolina Wage and Hour Act (“NCWHA”) by failing to pay promised and earned wages and overtime premiums for all hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek.

Ms. Demastes on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated seeks to recover unpaid wages including overtime premiums for all hours worked, overtime bonus premiums, and liquidated damages as allowed for Midwest Diversified Management Corp’s violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and the North Carolina Wage and Hour Act (“NCWHA”).

If you have any questions about this case, please contact GessnerLaw, PLLC.

Case Pleadings:

Click Here to Read the Complaint.